Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tuesday, August 31, 1915

I turned out to scrub decks at 5:30. It was dark and misty - and it had rained we could see. We were close to Balboa, in the Bay of Panama. On our starboard lay the fortified islands - before us lay three waiting steamers and farther on lay the low, dark, cloud hung land. It was 6:30 before a pilot came aboard, and then we proceeded on our way thru the channel to the Canal. We passed the great new concrete dry dock on our right at the first turn. It was but a short distance to the first of the Miraflores Locks.

The Ohio and we passed up the two locks together (photo, Missouri on the left) while the Wisconsin followed. It was a shorter distance thru Miraflores Lake to the Pedro Miguel Lock where we were raised in one lock to the level of the greater part of the Canal - that part including the Cut, Gatun Channel, and Gatun Lake. Because of the new slide in the cut the channel had been narrowed, and we had to move slowly past the buoys that marked the line of safety. We could see that great changes had taken place since we had passed thru before. The houses on the top of Contractors Hill were gone, and a great gap in the side of the hill showed where the slide had started - at the foot of the gap a gray mass of clay extended into the channel. Men and drills and dredges and graders were busy at the base of Gold Hill, as well as on the other side of the canal. I noticed how much greener everything had grown since we had been there - and the colors of Gold Hill were beautiful; there was the dark green of the tropical trees, relieved by the lighter green of flowers and tall grasses; there was the yellow and brown and red of the clays that clung to the jagged side of the hill; there was the dull, sinister gray of the cracked and crumbled rock, and the black heart of the giant boulder - for Gold Hill is that - laid bare by the blasting and dredging always going on; above all there hung a blue sky half hidden by a mass of gray clouds, half cheered by the brilliant sun that tried hard to drive thru the clouds, but again half sullied by the veil of smoke that rose from the multitude of boats and dredges. As we passed on everything looked so much brighter and greener than before - we could not help remarking about it. We steamed at a fair speed thru the channel and finally passed the great power plant - we knew it by the big DANGER 44000 VOLTS sign painted on the bridge that spans Chagres River. Not long after we were turning and squirming in Gatun Lake, like a bug on a tub of water - or so it seemed, as we looked at our wake. We made our way thru Gatun Lake in the dark - for it had take all day to make the trip. We made a stop of several hours alongside Pedro Miguel Lock. I went ashore, and met the 2nd and 3rd officers of the S.S. Columbian - Jellison and James - both young men and extremely interesting. We sat in their room and talked for over an hour on any subject that happened to come up - and there were many. As we passed thru Gatun locks, a great crowd of soldiers and people from Gatun and Cristobal followed us. The band on the quarter deck played all the snappiest, newest pieces they had - much to the delight of the people ashore - until we came to the last lock; there they struck up a few patriotic pieces, and, as we left, Home Sweet Home and Auld Lang Syne. It was thrilling to see the way those people, so far from home, responded to the airs. They were joyous one moment, home sick the next and plainly envious the next as we left them behind - we were homeward bound. One must see Americans away from the United States to feel what patriotic Americans really are - yes to find that there are really patriotic Americans. We answered their cheers and wishes for a happy journey and good luck by cheers and wishes for a short stay so far from home for them - and left them in the inky black night behind us. It was not long before the lights of the locks and the canal were lost, and we were on our way out to sea. It had been a fine trip thru the canal, better even than the first one. We turned in about 10 with the glorious prospect of coaling day ahead of us.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Monday, August 30, 1915

When reveille turned out 'all hands' at 5:30 I was not particularly anxious to answer the call - so I slept another hour. The night, I found, had been rainy, but when I looked out the sky was fairly clear. Before long it was once more hot and sunny. We were in sight of land all day - low, green mountains that ran to the sea coast. We had turret drill - I had to be hoistman on both guns and shellman all at the same time, so I was a little busy. In the afternoon I did nothing. In the evening I turned in at 9, too warm to anticipate a very pleasant nights' sleep.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sunday, August 29, 1915

Turned out at 5:30 to scrub decks. The morning was a fine one again, and the sea was very smooth. The BU was almost hull down behind us, and the Ohio was dropping slowly behind; however she caught up with us and later forged ahead of us. We sailed along the coast of Nicaragua nearly all day, until we left it at Cape Blanco. The coast is mountainous and tree-grown - so much different from the barren, sandy coast of California. At the point of the Cape is an island, bare and white, which probably suggested the name for the point, Blanco. We have increased our speed, varying from 75 to 84 turns. We are trying to get in before Tuesday I believe. I had the 4 - 6 watch in the steering engine room. After supper I heard it was raining - so Mack and I went out on the quarterdeck for a fresh water shower. It was pitch dark, save for the intermittent flashes of lightning that made the quarterdeck light as day for an instant; and it was raining hard enuf to wash off suds fairly fast - a fine driving rain it was, warm, but not too warm to lose the feeling of freshness for us. We enjoyed the fun immensely - and appreciated the bath equally as much. The port watch was on deck tonight, but I lost no time turning in at ten. The rain still continued but slackened perceptibly. The Bu was still on the horizon before I turned in; the Ohio was abreast of us.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Saturday, August 28, 1915

I turned in at 2:30 and turned out at 5:30 to scrub decks. Those were three wonderful hours of sleep indeed. We had Captain's inspection and locker inspection. The skipper made a specialty of spotting dirty hats - he's a queer fellow. From 11 to 12 I corked under the fo'c'stle[forecastle] awning with Frank and Mack. After dinner Charley and I had an after dinner - not mint! Home and Sep leave were, as usual, the favorite topics. We talk of home, think of home and dream of home alone, nowadays. These next two weeks threaten to be a month long at least. A year ago today I was already on my way home - and here we are, on the other side of the Continent. It has been warm and sunny all day. We passed close by a spouting whale early in the afternoon. Turtles by scores have floated past us all day. The only watch I had was one 8 - 12 at the breakdown flag, and then I was relieved for half an hour by Fully, who didn't want to do to guard mount, and was relieved again by a jackie who took the watch from 9:15 to 10 while I went to quarters. Provisions ran low, but after begging a 'pipeful' from several different fellows we managed to get enuf for the 'gang' and we had our usual evening meeting on the dog house before we turned in at about nine.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 27, 1915

When I turned out to scrub decks at 5:30 it was raining. We proceeded to scrub in swimming trunks. I took the hose, and we finished the deck in no time - then we began on ourselves. The rain was warm, the salt water was warm and the air was warm - so we had one great time. We had turret drill - I was hoistman, which was a fruity job. We drilled with the shell, and did real well considering the fact that it was our first drill in the turret. In the afternoon we had a field day, finishing at about four o'clock. Thank goodness we have the quarter deck to turn to on. Everybody is going to spend his Sep leave as far away from Crabtown as he can - on paper. Of course, every mile we turn in is five cents more to spend in September - and then I don't see how the Admiral has the right to withhold from us the money we saved out of our salary. I think he's going a little deeper than he thinks he's going. The gang had another meeting on the dog house until 10. From 10 to twelve I read in the steering engine room. I was to take the 12-2 watch, relieving Fully. The weather was again very warm and sunny. In the evening a wind came up that by two o'clock increased to a 50 mile gale. Blankets, shoes, sheets and clothes whirled about the top side like so many bits of paper in the street.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thursday, August 26, 1915

The morning was again a fine one. The sea was glassy, there was scarcely a breeze, save the one that our 65 turns caused us to make as we pushed along. Mexico was still in sight all day long; turtles abounded - I wish we could get a few for some good old turtle soup. We began again our deck duty - general quarters - turret drill, something new, and, in the afternoon, nothing. It is not taking long to get back the tan that the black gang and engineering had removed. In two weeks I ought to be right black again. When I turned in at 10 after a meeting with the gang on the dog house where we discussed the new order to turn in mileage for a computation of traveling expenses for Sep[?] leave. It's a beastly, bloody idea to say the least. The weather was fine, calm, warm and moonlit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Wednesday, August 25, 1915

The splendid weather we have had since yesterday continued today. The sun was very warm, the sea was calm, the sky was full of languid, fleecy clouds, and the mountainous coast of Mexico barely hidden in the hazy distance - everything was as nearly ideal as one could wish. We noticed scores of turtles floating lazily on the water, some of them surmounted by sea gulls. We finished our work in juice, and our engineering work. I'm not at all sorry that it's over, tho I haven't had to work so hard at the stuff as I expected. In the evening we had a smoker. Boxing matches furnished the most sport - especially the first one, which was between two Filipino boys. The stake was $5, and there were 4 two minute rounds. Both boys were absolutely 'out' at the beginning of the 4th, but they stood together, feebly striking at each other, rarely hitting but giving a fine example of stick-to-it-ness that was duly appreciated. The bout was declared a draw, and both boys received $5, to which everyone felt, they were entitled. Kenworthy and Gover gave a fine exhibition bout of 3 rounds that showed real scientific training. 'Stoney' came nearer to breaking even with Ken than he ever has done before. Both were in good condition. The Yid again pulled off some of his handcuff stunts that were clever enuf, but not, to my mind, entertaining. A 'gobby' did some of the best clod-dancing that I have ever seen anywhere. There were vocal and brass quartets - I was in the Cast - and lots of good music by the band. The movies were popular as movies ever are aboard ship, and the eats, consisting of sandwiches, cake and lemonade were as popular as the movies. We turned in at about 6 bells. The night was all that we could wish for.

Relive their Smoker entertainment today - links below!

Homeward Bound Smoker and Entertainment Program



Internet Links

Original Music Recordings
Listen to an original 1914 recording of "Crazy Bone Rag" by downloading the MP3 (4.6 MB) file from the U.S. Marine Band.

Listen to the original Edison cylinder recording of "Alabama Jubilee" from this location. Please be aware that the lyrics are full of old Southern racial stereotypes.

Listen to the original Edison cylinder recording of "It's Tulip Time in Holland" from this location.

Listen to the original recording of "We'll Have a Jubilee in My Old Kentucky Home" from this location.

Watch a Moviograph
Here's a link so you can watch one of the moviographs they saw on August 25, 1915 -- "Fatty Joins the Force." It's about 13 minutes long. Please be aware that it is on a site called The Naked Gord Program, so some of the content on the page is not for young children, although this film could easily be viewed by them. It is a silent comedy from the early film genius, Mack Sennett, with plenty of slapstick.

Original Sheet Music
This link is to the Mississippi State Templeton Sheet Music Library archive of "Crazy Bone Rag."

This link is to the Mississippi State Templeton Sheet Music Library archive of "Alabama Jubilee."

This link is to the Mississippi State Templeton Sheet Music Library archive of "It's Tulip Time In Holland."

This link is to the Mississippi State Templeton Sheet Music Library archive of "We'll Have A Jubilee In My Old Kentucky Home."

Moviograph Info
This link is to the Internet Movie Database page for "Fatty Joins the Force."

This link is to the Internet Movie Database page for "A Beauty Parlor Graduate."

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tuesday, August 24, 1915

I turned out more weary and hot than I had turned in. The air was still bad - and the storm was still raging. Our speed had been cut down to 50 turns. The quarter deck was still awash and so, of course, was the forecastle. I was feeling fair during the day. In the late afternoon the rain stopped and the sea began to quiet down. The gun shutters were removed and the gun deck became habitable once more. It was still hot - stifling and disagreeable - in the early evening. We passed close to a point of Mexico north of Tehuantepec at 6. We increased our speed to 70 turns again. The "gang" went to the doghouse again after hammocks. I made up yesterday's 'juice' today. Tomorrow is our last day.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Monday, August 23, 1915

I had a queer feeling about us when I turned out - I could tell a storm was on. We walked the deck in semicircles - if we walked at all. I would have sworn that I would get sick before noon, but somehow I didn't - at any rate I was indisposed. The ship had turned into a real submarine - and we steamed alternately awash and submerged. Waves broke over the quarter deck five feet deep. Sometimes we could see the BU, and sometimes we couldn't. It rained constantly, a good, hard, driving rain that was too wet and cold to be pleasant. The gun shutters had to put in - and then the gun deck became a miserable hole to live on. The air became bad, and there was no way to get away from it. More than a few gave up the struggle to look cheerful. I didn't go below to do my "juice" at all, for that would have added another to the list of "unavailables", and that was something I didn't care to have happen. I kept up well all day as it was. I had to turn in on the gun deck - but I didn't sleep at all during the stormy night.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sunday, August 22, 1915

When I turned out at 6:45 it was as warm and pleasant as it had been when I turned in. A cooling breeze prevented our becoming too warm. After quarters we went to Chapel. The rest of the day I spent writing a letter and corking off. In the evening after hammocks we went forward of the doghouse. A stiff breeze was blowing. The sea was almost glassy - yet waves began to break over the forecastle. We could guess that a storm was brewing; and during the night it broke. The ship pitched and rolled so that even our hammocks followed the motion. When we turned out it was in full swing.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Saturday, August 21, 1915

Had skipper's inspection in the morning. The Admiral also inspected. Both of them are on the war path so we have to go easy. After quarters we had the Navy Regs read to us, and after that we aired bedding. Need[?] is a typhoid suspect - I hope it doesn't develop. We are steaming in line abreast at 70 turns - wind and current are with us, so we should be making about 12 1/2 knots. We are out of sight of land - and have been since early this morning. At 3 we scrubbed hammocks. The sea is calm - except for the usual long rolls. It is warm and very pleasant and the night promises to be quiet.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Friday, August 20, 1915

Our division, having engineering duty, slept in until 6:30. I had three watches below in the engine room, 8 - 11:30, 2 - 4, and 8 -10. While on my first watch we had locker inspection for which, of course, I was absent. The Exec put me on the pap[?] for it. I don't know yet what I will get out of it. At 3 we scrubbed hammocks. That was all we had to do for the day. I turned in at 11:30 after having scrubbed a pair of trous, a hat and myself.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thursday, August 19, 1915

We had the guard again today. I was detailed as signalman, but our watch was discontinued - so we had nothing to do. In the afternoon I was surprised to see Mary Howard, Gladys Craine, and their aunts, mothers, etc., come on board. We made arrangements to meet at the ball to be given at the Virginia Hotel in the evening. We did meet there, and I, for one, had a very pleasant evening. It was a fitting end to our liberties on the West Coast, to spend the evening with someone from home. It was past one o'clock when we turned in.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Wednesday, August 18, 1915

The morning was fine - not at all like the days at San Francisco. At 1 o'clock we were granted liberty until 7 o'clock. The beach was splendid - and furnished an afternoon of glorious sport. It was crowded with bathers that animated the ordinarily common looking beach and made everyone feel young and happy. Old people had as much fun as the kiddies - and those in between had as much fun as the other two together. I would like to have more time to spend on Long Beach - but... I turned in early tonight.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 17, 1915

We slept in until 7 o'clock. The crew scrubbed decks. After dinner we got liberty until 7 o'clock. The water at the beach was not inviting so I stayed aboard ship. At 5 in the afternoon we left for Long Beach, reaching there about 7. McCarthy, who had received treatment on the Ohio for spinal meningitis, died. We are truly distressed to so lose a classmate, especially one of his type. Honors will be given him when he is sent ashore. Our flag will remain at half mast until then.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Monday, August 16, 1915

Again we slept until 6:30. At 8 we dropped anchor in the built up harbor of San Pedro - not far from the cliffs, from which Dana, in his memorable cruise, threw hides over the cliff to waiting boats below. There was practically nothing to see; here and there a house or a factory, and that was all. Of course the docks and warehouses, fish houses and lumber yards were there - but they are not part of the town. In the afternoon we were taken thru the city of Los Angeles in autos. Electrics were furnished us for the trip from San Pedro to Los Angeles - it was arid, unappealing country that we passed thru. In the city we rode thru the business districts and thru the beautiful residential sections, where we saw some of the most charming and beautiful homes I have ever seen. And they were not few in number, for we rode for an hour or more, up broad boulevards and thru parks, bordered by hundreds of homes, each a little paradise in itself. After this most enjoyable trip we dined - and well - at the Hotel Hollenbeck. In the evening we went to the Shrine Auditorium, where, before the ball, we witnessed a very interesting electrical - floral pageant. The ball lasted until 12:30, when we had to return aboard ship. It was after three when we reached there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunday, August 15, 1915

As we have engineering duty at sea our division slept until 6:30. We had quarters, then attended chapel - the rest of the day was spent writing letters - and sleeping off the effects of two weeks of high life. We were in sight of land all day long. It was slightly warmer during the day, and also at night than it had been at San Francisco.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Saturday, August 14, 1915

We spent a big part of the morning scrubbing up the ship. At about 3:30 in the afternoon we got under way, and sailed out of the Golden Gate in column, sorry indeed to be leaving a port where we had had such a splendid time. Only one thing made us willing to leave - it was the beginning of our homeward trip. Out next stop was to be Los Angeles - or rather San Pedro, its sea port. The night - as usual - was foggy and cold when I turned in.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Friday, August 13, 1915

After quarters liberty was granted, but we had the guard so our division was doomed to spend the day showing pretty girls about the ship. A special reck[?] allowed me to dine out in the evening, and made a very enjoyable day out of one that would have been an unusually dry one - after the others we had had.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Wednesday, August 11, and Thursday, August 12, 1915

At 4:30 we turned out to coal ship. We worked, after a breakfast of beans, until 11:30, and again from 12:30 until 6:30. After dinner we worked until 9:30. In all this time we had put on board 1500 tons - a very good showing. After a preliminary bath I turned in until 5 the next morning, when I had to turn out for a field day (Thursday, August 12). We finished cleaning ship early in the afternoon, when we were granted liberty. I went ashore in time to dine out. After an extremely pleasant dinner we came back to the ship for the farewell ball we were giving on board. The quarter deck had all the awning in place, and was well decorated with flags. The band was stationed on top of the turret. In both after compartments splendid 'eats' and punch were served. We had a glorious evening of it - one of the best we had had on the west coast. At 12:30 the visitors had to leave. We could see that the hop had been a successful one by the fact that no one wanted to leave - in fact it took several injunctions from the officer-of-the-deck to make them start away. A funny thing occurred during the evening. Nick and Charley, not dragging, decided that they could not turn in without some of the 'eats' so they got plates and picked out as many choice bits as the plates would hold, and sat in a corner to enjoy them. The exec saw them, and put them on the report for "Indecorous conduct", telling them how ashamed of them he felt.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tuesday, August 10, 1915

We slept until 7 this morning - four long precious hours - nearly - of good sound sleep. After quarters I went ashore, visiting the fair - and the waffle kitchen in the morning; going to a hop at the California Bld'g in the afternoon; dining out in the early evening, and attending a reception and Ball in the same Bld'g in the evening. We had a very good time until 12 o'clock, when we had to leave. Another invitation to dine out on Thursday was graciously accepted - this time from a different party.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Monday, August 9, 1915

Once more I turned out, only to turn in again. At 8 we took the guard - which meant that we would no get any liberty. At 2 in the afternoon we went ashore under arms to receive a bronze tablet from the directors of the fair commemorating our visit to Frisco. The customary speeches of presentation and acceptance were delivered. On our way from Calder's Monument to the ships we went thru a few maneuvers for the benefit of the "admiring public." At 7:30 we went ashore for the Navy Ball at the Civic Auditorium. The Ball was strictly a society affair, and was attended by army and navy officers and midshipmen. For the benefit of the "old boys" we gave several yells and sang Anchors Aweigh. It was a brilliant evening, both as regards clothes and people. An invitation to dine with a Miss Jacobs was duly accepted for the next day. The floor, as large as it was, was very crowded until about 12, when some of the unattached older people left. This left the floor in splendid shape - and until 2 o'clock we enjoyed the dance and company. It was after 3 when we turned in, tired, but ever so happy over the evening.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sunday, August 8, 1915

We went to chapel and after that was over we went ashore. Luckily for us the waffle kitchen was in full swing when we arrived. We went to the Hof Brau for dinner, and at 2:15 we went to the Orpheum where we saw a very good vaudeville. This was the first day of liberty that did not appear to a great extent to be a Sunday - and yet it was a Sunday. As we were returning to the ships we saw Silvio Pettirossi, the monoplane artist, in a trial flight over the Exposition grounds. His flight was thrilling - even more so than Art Smith's daredevil loops and twists and drops. We were beginning to feel the strain on our pocketbooks that a week of high life in Frisco had brought on, and were at a point where we realized that we would have to "go easy."

More Art Smith

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Saturday, August 7, 1915

Reveille, as far as I am concerned, is a waste of breath on the bugler's part. I couldn't be induced to scrub decks in this cold weather, for anything - except a promise to start for home immediately. After Captain's inspection we got ashore, with 12:30 liberty. The waffle kitchen was the first place we visited - those waffles and syrup and coffee were too good to forget. We had dinner at the Hof Brau - I never had so much to eat at one time in all my life; and it was exceptionally good too. We left there well satisfied with the world in general, and walked about town. For the evening we planned a trip to Chinatown - and about 8 o'clock we went there. It was a queer thing to see that bit of China in America. Everyone was in real Chinese dress; the shops were full of Chinese things; the streets were filled with that Chinese odor akin to burning joss sticks - everything was peculiarly Chinese, and in an equal measure interesting and offensive. It was past ten before we left the resort for Irish's room. We left there in time to get the 12 o'clock boat for the ship.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Friday, August 6, 1915

I got up early, but it was too cold for me on deck so I corked off until breakfast in a hatch with several of the 'gang' who felt as I did. After quarters we went ashore. A visit to the waffle kitchen began the day. Part of the morning was spent looking round the fair before we began our pilgrimage to Solari's shrine. It was four o'clock before we left that place, and seven when we returned to the ship; the three intervening hours being spent at the fair. It was again cold and foggy when I turned in, and for some time the old fog horn at the gate kept me awake.

Next Two Weeks Written From Memory

The account of the next two weeks will be written from memory. I have had no time to do this daily, so I have made it a point to keep in mind the bigger events of the days as they passed. The account will be accurate tho not so full perhaps as it might have been had I been less lax.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thursday, August 5, 1915

I turned out at 5 this morning, but turned in again until 7:15 in the Fire room hatch. We can't go ashore today as we have guard duty - but I don't much care. Had a splendid dinner at noon. Spent the evening and afternoon writing. As I had no special detail I turned in early and slept soundly all night.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wednesday, August 4, 1915

When I went ashore this morning I met Prof. Christie and Mrs. Fitch. From there I went to town. At 12:30 five of us had a wonderful feed at Solaris and after that we went to see "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" a very good, but somewhat tragic piece from London. After the play Dinky and I walked around town until 6 when we returned to the ship. At ten I turned in. It was not so cold tonight as it had been.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tuesday, August 3, 1915

Turned out at 5 to scrub decks. I hadn't intended to scrub, but Wead[?] put me in charge on the forecastle, so I had to. We finished it as quickly as possible and went below, nearly frozen. At 10 we went ashore visiting the Mines, Machinery, and Transportation Buildings which were very interesting - and the Fine Arts building, in which, among a large number of excellent works, I saw one painting which appealed to me so strongly that I returned to it three times. It was the figure of a girl, standing before a golden yellow curtain, half facing it, as if about to enter a room beyond. She held a small tray with a decanter and glass upon it. On her haid[head] was a white, lacy cap that barely hid her beautiful hair. She wore a bright, but very soft, red skirt, a black bodice with white sleeves and collar and a white apron. I saw the skirt but a moment - there was something that caught the eye and held it. The face was a wonderful piece of work - it seemed to appeal to me as the face of a woman whose pure heart and noble soul are reflected in her features must always appeal to a man. And the beautiful body seemed to hide such a heart and soul. The painting was by Waay. Geok and I were still very much disappointed in everything we saw, and disgusted with the women, who paint like so many Spaniards - and who are as homely as they, too. At 7 we returned to the ships. Fireworks displays, and searchlights made an interesting scene from on deck. Turned in at ten. Again it has been cold from sunset on. I was the Golden Gate tonight as the sun set - and the reason for the name. The sun, falling on the mist that hangs over the entrance to the harbor, made a blanket of gold that hung over the hills and water for half an hour and made a really 'golden' Gate of the entrance.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Monday, August 2, 1915

After quarters at 9:30 we went ashore. Visited in succession, with Geok, the Penn, Illinois, and Indiana buildings. The Illinois building I found to be the best of the state buildings. At 1:30 we gave a short parade and at 4 we were again ashore, visiting various foreign exhibits. At about 5:30 we went to town to look around, and saw nothing astonishing. My impression of Frisco and the Fair is not at all favorable. At about 10:30 I turned in. Woolen pajamas, a sweater and a blanket very nearly kept me warm during the evening - and night.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sunday, August 1, 1915

At 6:30 I turned out, nearly frozen. The Santa Barbara Islands were in sight - great yellow brown mountains rising from a green sea. We soon left them behind us. About 10 o'clock we picked up land off the starboard bow. It was cold and very foggy, so that, while we were close to it, we could not distinguish it. Slowly the mist rose revealing the wonderful harbor of San Francisco just as we were beginning to enter it. We passed on our right the famous Cliff House and the Seal Rocks - and we saw the seals too. It was greener here than at San Diego by far, and much more beautiful. It was not long until we have in sight of the Exposition grounds, three cruisers and the old Oregon anchored in front of it, and the hills of San Francisco rising sharply beyond it. Swinging round the Naval training Station on Goat[Yerba Buena] Island we passed, in line ahead, the warships, giving them their honors, one by one.
An aviator flew over us as we dropped anchor just outboard of the Oregon, and later flew high above the Exposition grounds, looped the loop, turned on his side and did figure eights, finally landing again from where he rose. We are on guard today so we will be unable to go ashore, But wait till tomorrow! It is very cold here now. Writing letters this afternoon my hands nearly froze.