Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tuesday, June 22, 1915

Slept in again, but only until 6 o'clock. I heard there were only 3 secondclassmen on the quarterdeck - and from the number that admitted they slept in I believe 'three' was right. Turner went to the investigation today, so after spuds drill we ran off a string on the gun - a pretty good one, with the exception of one shot - and played chess with Fully on the forecastle behind the anchor davit. Played chess from 1:15 to 4 again. It's a mighty fine game and has checkers beat a mile. Had a hail storm this afternoon, and without exaggerating at all, some of the hail stones were as large as walnuts. None that I saw were smaller than lima beans. Stoked from 4:15 to 5:45. It was a little stiff but I'll soon fall into it I guess. The dope was that we would scrub hammocks this afternoon, but again it wasn't straight. Spent the evening in the eyes again till about 10.

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