Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tuesday, June 8, 1915

Turned out at 5 this morning and scrubbed decks until a little after six. It was good exercise and it felt good, besides, to putter around the wet deck in my bare feet so I rather enjoyed it - once I was awake. The worst part about scrubbing decks is turning out in the morning.

Spuds drill was as near to hazing as I care to see it. I hope they don't have Davidson lead again soon.

Fitted the sights on the gun this morning but we have to bore-sight it before we can hold dotter drill. At seamanship drills we had to learn the signal flags and all about anchors and ground tackle - but as I know most of that I had a little 'fruit' and spent the time reading and bulling with a couple of 'gobbies'.

After drill we had collision drill, which, for our division was nothing at all but to stand on the quarter deck until "Secure."

There are still no indications that we leave soon - and the papers say we may be here a week or ten days. I wish they would hurry - I'm anxious to get out and get sick.

Sunset tonight was beautiful - the sun threw a broad golden ribbon on the quiet water extending from Annapolis half way to the ships. The golden lined, rose tinted, slate colored clouds warned us of the setting sun by slowly gathering in its brilliant rays until it settled to rest behind them. The Star Spangled banner played at colors just as the sun sank was a fitting close to the bright, clear, sun-crowned day which promised and foretold a star-spangled heaven for tonight.

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