Slept in until 6:30. Yesterday all day I did nothing but eat and sleep. Wednesday morning I had the 4 - 8 watch below. When I came up I was nearly all in. I had no sleep for 3 days and three nights and was beginning to fell the need of some. I went to sick bay where they gave me morphine and turned me in. I slept all day, got another dose that night and slept until morning. I have come off the black gang for a time - but I am doing nothing at all. I hope I get away with it. The weather for the last four days has been very clear and moderately cool. The breeze we have had would have licked up whitecaps and sent the waves racing over the decks in the Atlantic, but here there is only that eternal steady roll and pitch, with the sea as smooth as glass. We have become accustomed to the pitching and rolling, and somewhat reconciled to the monotony of the quiet ocean. There as been one thing to mar these last four days, that has made everyone rhino - that is the 'dope' which purports to be straight and which has it that we get 7 o'clock liberty at San Diego and Frisco, get $20 for all our liberties, that Fullam refused to permit the citizens of San Diego to give us an auto tour, hop and barbeque[sic], that we coal at San Diego, that we lay in Frisco 12 days for overhauling machinery, and worst of all, that we get traveling expenses plus $10 on Sep leave; enuf to make anybody rhino. Fullam has been given every name that four languages can furnish, and every one feels that those aren't enuf. The gang has a new place now - on the after port gallery - and it is a fine meeting place. We sighted a tramp today, the first sail since we left the canal. Turned in about 8:30 on the forecastle with a full moon and clear sky. Noon position 100 - 56, 14 - 34 N.
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