We were allowed to sleep in until 7 this morning. It was cold again, but by 9 o'clock, when we went ashore it was warm. We ate a light breakfast at Kemp's[?] - after the turkey feed of yesterday we couldn't eat much. After breakfast Geok and I took a car for the Exposition intending to go to one of the many beautiful quiet corners and enjoy a rest and smoke. But that turned out to be only an intention. We had been in the grounds about five minutes, and were standing at a corner deciding upon a course to steer when three young ladies passed. Geok and I decided to make their acquaintance - we met them in the varied industries building, at the register. We introduced ourselves, and found that they were sisters from Harvard, Illinois. I took charge of the youngest of the three. The oldest we let be the chaperon. Some time was spent walking thru the buildings getting acquainted and looking around. My friend was well up on art - in fact on all the fine arts, so we two spent quite a time studying paintings and admiring handicraft of various kinds. When we first looked at a clock it was 2 o'clock - and we were very much surprised. We went to the Japanese Tea house where a submissive little Jap woman served us sandwiches, excellent green tea and ice cream - I almost forgot the olives and Jap rice cakes which were excellent too. It was a long time before we left the tea house, and then Geok left before we did. The afternoon was spent walking thru the beautiful grounds, looking at the wonderful flowers that grew in true Californian profusion all about. I humored the older sister along by finding seeds of rare plants that we found - and with the connivance of the younger one added a few tomato seeds that we happened to find. I hope they don't grow - the tomato seeds I mean. We would loose Geok and then run across him again thruout the afternoon. At 5:30 we started back to town. We invited the ladies to the ball to be given us at the Coronado in the evening. At the San Diego we met a man from Harvard so some time was spent talking of home. We finally got started for dinner. We went to Rudder's[?] and left there at nine o'clock - too late to go to the ball - the one disappointment of the day. But we had a very pleasant evening together, swapping experiences and dancing in the small dance hall - there were four of us - on the roof of the San Diego. At eleven - the time we were to be at the dock - Geok and I left the hotel, going to the Coronado dock - only to find that it was the wrong one. We ran across an area of sand, down a railroad track and finally reached the Santa Fe dock, all hot and out of breath, just in time to catch the boat. Just as we jumped aboard the boat shoved off. It had been a wonderful day in every way.
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