Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Friday, July 9, 1915

Slept until 6:30, or rather I stayed in my hammock until then, for in the heat and bad close air of the gun deck I couldn't sleep. We were to have guard mount but for some reason it was knocked off. After quarters we had check sight drill which we managed to stretch out over about 15 minutes. The rest of the morning I corked on the dog house. In the afternoon we had field day - our division on the starb'd side of the quarter deck. I left there about 3 to go below, where I stayed until 5:15, firing, sliceing [sic], pulling fires, and passing coal. While I was on the quarter deck I turned on the water while Doug was looking down the hose - result, Doug got wet all over, I had a good laugh, Doug swore to get me some day, and I was happy. Washed up in the fire men's washroom. The day has been ideal, smooth sea, light wind and light clouds. At 6 P.M. we were about halfway down the coast of Florida. We have been making 65 turns - 11 knots. Had a fine night sleeping on the dog house. There was a light steady breeze all night.

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