Monday, July 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 28, 1915

Turned out at 6:30 after a cool night's sleep. Land was in sight - they were the islands outside San Diego - great mountainous, barren islands they were and as they reached upward they melted into a cold gray cloud bank. It was very cold all the early morning - so cold and gray that I wondered how Sunkist oranges ever came from California. But I didn't worry long, for as the day grew, the air became warmer, the sun came out suddenly, hot and bright, and in a short time the cold of the dawn was gone. In the afternoon we drilled - on a corking mat for a time in the afternoon sun. We passed slowly between the great brown islands in order to reach the mouth of the harbor in the early morning. We didn't go below - instead we cleaned ship, which I didn't like as well. It was very cold again when I turned in about 8:30.

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