Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Friday, June 25, 1915

Turned out early this morning. As it was field day we merely washed down with water. I went on a new signal detail at 8 A.M. I am the only 'old' man on my crew. We lost to the Wisconsin. At 1:15 we turned to on the bridge gratings - and were finished at about 2:30. From then until 4 I had nothing to do. I was on again from 4 - 6:30, or rather I should have been. But I traded a 2 - 4 night watch with Nick so that I could practice our quartet. Had nearly a whole can of peaches at supper. Was on the bridge from 8 - 10. I broke out a searchlight and signaled to the BU. They were rotten - I don't know how they thot I was.

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