Friday, June 6, 2008

Sunday, June 6, 1915

The pleasant sound of "up all hammocks" and reveille badly blown roused me out of a deep sleep in my new hammock. I didn't stir at first - habit again - and in a little word was passed that the 2nd division was to turn out. That of course didn't include the third so I rolled over, happily once more. We had to turn out about 15 minutes later to scrub decks, but there weren't enuf tools and the 2nd class went back in again.

Breakfast was pretty good - Navy beans, catsup, coffee, and canned cherries. We were supposed to leave this morning, but it is 5 o'clock (P.M.) and we haven't gone yet. The investigation isn't finished yet and I guess we can't go until it is. I wish they would hurry. We've been standing by all day under arms to receive the Admiral when he comes aboard - he doesn't seem to realize the inconvenience it's causing us, because he hasn't showed up yet.

The Filipino mess boys are a great improvement over the "mokes." The surprised us by being anxious to get things - something that had to be preceded by the jingle of a few jitneys before a moke would have moved. I wish I could remember our boy's name - but so far I can't even pronounce it.

The band gave us a pretty good concert this afternoon. I recognized nearly all of the pieces they played.

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