Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thursday, June 24, 1915

Turned out at about 5:15 but did not scrub decks. Had spuds drill, followed by gun drill. My string was pretty good. Amused myself with Geok and some Indian bouts. Had a lecture on target practice by Turner in the morning and one on aids to navigation in the afternoon. I was very sorry to hear of the death of Commodore Bechler - he was a man who earned and well deserved the love of all who knew him.

Stoked from 4 to 5:30 this evening. Just before that I spent a half hour practicing a cornet part for a quartet we are getting up. Listened to old Mose Bell - who has the iron Bull now. He is fat - and has the deep healthy laugh so characteristic of fat men. If it wasn't that he is black he might be a good 'bull' companion - but I haven't come to the point yet where I want to run around with a black man. He seems to be in well with the crew - as most black enlisted men are.

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