Monday, June 30, 2008

Wednesday, June 30, 1915

Disappointment seems to be the one thing we are certain of on this cruise. We turned out at 4:30 alright - only to find that there were no lighters alongside. From the topside one could see one on the beach, apparently in a sinking condition, and several others on their way to Crabtown. We lay around singing etc. until about 10 o'clock (had breakfast in the meantime of course) when we crawled out of our various coaling uniforms into kaki [khaki]. Something new has come up - a hazing investigation is being held. Incidentally there is one being conducted at West Point now too. Here it applies only to the new plebes. The say that 3 1st classmen and 5 youngsters have been caught. We had to tell under oath that we had done no hazing and had seen none. Fortunately I could easily do that. But if a big investigation should be started involving last years plebes I would be out of luck - as would every other upperclassman in the academy. We are all hoping that it will go no further. There is nothing to do this afternoon but cork off. The say we coal tomorrow, but I doubt it right now. Another evening in the eyes cheered us up enuf to make the prospects of coaling tomorrow not at all dreadful.

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