Friday, June 20, 2008

Sunday, June 20, 1915

The sinners made us turn out at 5:30 this morning instead of 6. They even begrudge us that little half hour's sleep - but I got mine somewhere else. Went to church this morning. The theme of the short sermon was that part of the prayer which asks for the will to think what was right, and strength to do what is right - the argument, that we can become what we want, if we think right. It is a strange thing how a service, no matter how short it is or where it is held, changes the atmosphere of the place - it seems to rest one, and puts him more at ease. At least that is the way it affects me. There is liberty this afternoon, but I'm not going ashore. I don't spoon on making a liberty on a coal barge. Six of us bought a big cake from the captain's steward this afternoon. It was a three layer cake and was certainly fine.

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