Thursday, June 19, 2008

Saturday, June 19, 1915

Turned out early, but we had little to do before breakfast. Uniform for quarters was white service, so we had to bear a hand and break it out for Captain's inspection. Had on one white glove and one yellow one - but I got away with it. Got liberty after lunch. At 12:30 we left the ship in a kicker which took us to the Standish, to which a lighter was lashed. After the liberty parties had all been taken aboard we started for Crabtown where we landed at 1:55 - Some trip. Mac, Frank, Red, Charley, Isish, Ole and myself had a feed at the Maryland grill. It was seven rounds of everything, repeated two or three times. We would have been fruit for an Armour agent. But that plank and those strawberries were to (sic) good to resist. Visited the plebes. One even faced the wall of the terrace. They look promising enuf - for plebes. The trip back in the Standish was awful. Most everybody got wet. I've never made such a liberty and never want to make another like it.

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